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Corrective Actions

When an Incident Report has been submitted, the WHS team may wish to record corrective actions that were applied.

A screenshot of the Incident Report item page. The screenshot is annotated with a red box to highlight the location of the "Corrective Actions" data table component, at the bottom of the Incidents item details page.

The Corrective Actions data table is hidden by default on the Sidebar. However, the item page for each Incident Report will provide access to this data table, so that you can log corrective actions against the current Incident Report that is opened.

Creating a New Corrective Action

To create a new Corrective Action:

  1. Ensure you are viewing the Details page of an Incident (pictured above).
  2. Press the New Corrective Action button in the table's Command Bar

A screenshot showing the location and appearance of the "New Corrective Action" button in the Corrective Actions table's Command Bar. The button reads "New Corrective Action" and has an icon of a lightning bolt that is overlaying several lines or list items.

  1. The New Corrective Action create screen will open in a side panel
  2. Enter the details for the Corrective Action
  3. Press + Create or Create and Open at the top of the side panel

A screenshot of the "New Corrective Action" create screen. At the top is a large navy header that reads "Corrective Action". There is also a cross in the upper left corner for closing the side panel. Underneath is the usual command strip buttons which read: "+ Create", "Create and Open", and "Undo Changes". Beneath this are the fields for the corrective action plan. These fields are: "Solution", "Who", "When", and "Incident Factors".

Corrective Action Process

  • When a new Corrective Action item is created, a task will automatically be assigned to the user listed in the Who lookup field, and they will be notified.

  • The title of this task will read WHS: Corrective Action - Solution. However, Solution will be replaced with the text that was entered into the Solution field of the Corrective Action.

A screenshot of the task generated automatically by a new Corrective Action being created. The title of the task reads: "WHS: Corrective Action - Provide adequate lighting in the stairwell".

An example task assigned to a user for actioning.

  • The task also provides a Rapid Form Link, so that the user can add additional notes if required.

A screenshot of the Adaptive form that is generated for users, if required. The form does not contain a summary of the incident, but instead provides a solution field, and then requires notes to be supplied from the user and the Completed status of the form to be set to the date that the solution was implemented.

  • When the task's status has been set to Completed, a confirmation task will be sent to the WHS team to check that the Corrective Action has been completed correctly.

The confirmation task will contain an Embedded Form to assist the WHS team in confirming the Corrective Action.

A screenshot of a user task titled "Check that corrective action #0000032 has been implemented." The layout of the task is identical to a regular task, however, there is an embedded form included on the right of the Task Details. The form is titled "Corrective Actions Details" and has the following fields and values: "Corrective Action Code":"#000032", "Completed":"Thu May 30 2024", "Incident":"INCIDENT - 00000034", "Solution":"Provide adequate lighting in the stairwell."

An example confirmation task for a Corrective Action. The title of the confirmation task will read: "Check that corrective action #000000 has been implemented."

Viewing a Corrective Action

To view a Corrective Action:

  1. Ensure you are viewing the Details page of an Incident
  2. Select the Corrective Action from the data table at the bottom of the Details page

A screenshot of the Corrective Actions data table. The screenshot is annotated with a red box to indicate the location of a Corrective Action item in the table. The item reads: "000032", ""Provide adequate lighting in the stairwell", "Stacy Queen", "Lighting", "Open".

The Corrective Action item page will resemble the following:

A screenshot depicting the appearance of the Corrective Action item page. The fields that are present on this page are detailed in the table below.

Each new corrective action is automatically allocated an Action Code ID number. Below is a list of the fields present in the Corrective Action item, and what they are used for:

StatusUsed to describe the state of the corrective action. I can be set to Open, Completed and Unchecked, Closed and Archived.
WhoA lookup field to indicate who is responsible for the Corrective Action and making sure it is implemented. This person will receive a generated task as a reminder to complete the Corrective Action.
When?When the incident occurred.
IncidentThis is a lookup field connected to the Incident item. This field should be automatically connected to an Incident when the Corrective Action is created using the data table on an Incident details page.
Incident FactorsHere the WHS Team can indicate an incident factor that will be addressed by the Corrective Action.
CompletedThe date that the Corrective Action is completed.
SolutionA text field with the description of what is needed to solve the issue.